Today we are going to take a look at THE PYRAMIDS. No, this is not a history lesson on Egypt. I am talking about food pyramids. I am amazed by how many there are out there on Google. Here are some of my favorites. When you are looking at these, think of the people in that part of the world. Is the typical person overweight?
(You might want to click on the image to make it larger. Also, if I missed any pyramids, and I am sure I did, please let me know in the comment section.)
The Classic American Food Pyramid. (I love how next to the healthy oils we have a cupcake and a sundae.) This pyramid has been replaced by:
The new American food pyramid. What I do not understand is why they got rid of the healthy oils???? Where is the water and exercise?
Here is another pyramid used in the U.S. I think this is more realistic for our everyday life and culture.
The Canadian Food Pyramid. It is very similar to the American Food Pyramid. It does not give a lot of details.
The Australian Food Pyramid. I really like this one...especially the "no salt" and more water. I do not think this one would work well in America. The breads, beans, fruits and veggies are in one group...which one do you think we would eat more of....BREAD!
The British Plate. I think this one is pretty realistic. They have a place for sugar and fat. It is absurd to think that most people do not consume these might as well give them a guide as to how much they should be allowed to eat in a healthy diet.
The Latin American Pyramid. VERY different than the United States. I really like how they are telling you to have certain foods at every meal.
The Mediterranean Pyramid. I find it so interesting that some food items should only be consumed a few times a week or for the entire month.
The Japanese Spinning Top. I LOVE it! I really do believe that food, exercise and water are the key. My grandfather would have liked this one, too. It really backs up his diet theory.
The Asian Food Pyramid. I really dig the fact that you can have sweets weekly, but red meet monthly! I am moving to Asia! haha I also like the daily physical activity that is at the base of the pyramid.
The Vegetarian Pyramid. This one is great. It does not work for my life, but they are spot on!
I am not sure where this one is from....But, this is my favorite. (Although I do wish they mentioned less salt, more water and daily exercise.)
So, what do you think? This is just a nice little sample, but it does make you ponder food. Which one is your favorite? Please share your comments!